
Negative Reviews of A Wrinkle In Time

TOTAL CRAP!!!!!!!!!
By Yanni Trump "Catman" (Tierra del Fuego, Anatarctica)
This ranks up there with the "Giver", IT SUCKS!!! I'd rather watch grass grow on my front lawn, or better yet watch a documentary on the history of the ice cube tray. My teacher made my class read this book and there was nearly a revolt! It came to the point where a petition went around to put an end to the reading of the book. AM I THE ONLY PERSON WHO DOES NOT LIKE READING ABOUT TEENAGERS WITH SELF ESTEEM PROBLEMS BATTLING THEIR "INNER DEMONS"!?!?!?!?! This book was boring and made no sense! The sentances were long and winding and boring! One sentance might go on for pages!! IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE FOUND PASSED OUT WITH YOUR EYES ROLLED BACK IN YOUR HEAD DROOLING ON THE FLOOR DON'T READ THIS BOOK!!!! If you have already been lured by some evil to buy this book bring it onto your front lawn and burn it while chanting in tongues to the best of your ability. If you are already reading "A Wrinkle in Time" and can not stop yourself, send the book to me and I will hire an illiterate to rip it up for you. Trust me Il'l be doing you a favour! If you have yet to read the book.... SAVE YOURSELF WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me start form the top why I don't like it.
A Kid's Review
1. It is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to travel in time or tesser as the book calles it.

2. No one could survive on a different planet and or moon if a space probe couldn't even survive 20 minutes.

3.This book is just a lot of blah blah blah.

4. A living brain that can control every one when everyone has their own brain, give me a break.

5. Even if you read this book 500 times, it has always the same plot line.
A girl named Meg travels in time with her brother, Charles Wallace and the love of her life, Calvin.
They travel with 3 witches, one is named Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. WHich and Mrs. WHo.

Reviewer: A reader
Blah blah blah who cares. Ugh, I didnt give a hoot if they [the main charcters] died or not. The villian: a brain and a cloud. Oh wow, nobody can beat that! Cheese,I could have written a better book. Mrs. L'Engle if your gonna write anymore books please dont write them like this horrible peice of liturature. I can't imagine what the newberry awards people were thinking when the gave this book its reward.

By Bruce Wayne (Gotham City, USA)
A Wrinkle in Time is an extremely terrible book. Its attempt at science fiction is out of place and corny to the extreme. I read this book expecting it to be a decent novel, but instead I encountered garbage. Oh, and don't pay attention to the Newbery Medal Award that they awarded. They probably awarded it to A Wrinkle in Time because there were no other books published that year, so it won by default. Even then, it was more than likely that the people who gave the award were reluctant to do so. It only says that I gave it one star because there was no choice for 0 stars or lower. This book would be much more entertaining...if it were burnt.

This book is terrible. It's so bad, it's not even funny. The plot is worst pile of junk I have ever had the displeasure of reading the first 30 pages of...
Of all the history of books I've read which include great novels by authors such as Douglas Preston, etc. I have never come across such a bogus jumble of letters. The title seemed attractive to my 5th grade teacher a few years ago, so she decided to have us read it as a class. Boy was she in for a surprise. Not even a third into the book she canceled the assignment because of the poor quality of the book. Every five pages the author piled on this and that, this and that, like a fairy tale on crack. It was nearly impossible to concentrate on what was going on. It didn't seem like the author was trying to entertain the reader, but give him or her a tumor. It looks like a two-year-old wrote this. I have read the entire english dictionary in a day, and it was easier to understand and more entertaining than this.

This is an absolutely horrible book. Torture. We bought this as a book on tape to listen to in the car with the kids on a summer trip. All of us (40 yo, 38 yo, 14 yo, 11 yo) were miserable. We forced ourselves to listen to the whole thing because it's a "classic" and we kept thinking maybe we'd eventually get to some part of the story that would finally explain to us why people like it. During the story, my 14 yo observed that one of the reasons she hated the story was that the author seemed to try as hard as she could to sound intelligent to the listener (reader), but it just came across as annoying. We all ended up hoping that the characters would die in outer space.

I am a reading teacher and I have a list of books that the grade should read. This book is on the list so we have been reading it. I try to mask my negative feelings about this book. I had to force myself to finish it. It's boring and has many unanswered questions. The ending is just uneventful. Many students in my class hate this book, but I pretend it's very good and we have to finish it.

When I was in grade school, I tended to avoid anything that had some kind of award for excellence in children's literature. I was still trusting enough to assume they must be good, but had a general sense that they might not be much fun.

Having just read "Wrinkle in Time" for the first time as an adult, I realize that I was right to suspect it would not be much fun, and wrong about it being any good. The characters seem contrived and not very likeable, the science phony, the fantasy slipshod. There is certainly stuff here that may excite the imagination of a child, but nothing that plenty of other authors have not done a whole lot better.

The pseudo-scientific aura is largely phony. L'Engle's explanation of a "tesseract" is all wrong -- it is simply a 4-dimensional counterpart of a cube. Except for it's being extra dimensional, a tesseract has nothing to do with the notion of taking extra-dimensional shortcuts to distant locations in 3-dimensional space (a tesseract has no curves, as are required for the short-cut setup). I guess it is good that L'Engle tries to explain the idea of extra dimensions to kids, but since she scarcely seems to understand them herself, I'm not sure what good she does. Personally, I am glad that, as a child, I missed out on her attempts to confuse matters.

Stripped of these scientific pretensions, the story if just a fairy tale about a trio of kids who get wisked off by powerful supernatural beings to alien planets to do battle with a force of Cosmic Evil, and in the meantime hopefully rescue their missing father. The Evil Force, when we meet it, is certainly creepy enough, but all the goings on seem random and arbitrary, and nothing makes much sense. Supernatural happenings and events simply intervene whenever the author needs them to. Meanwhile, these extraterrestrial adventures mirror the main heroine's (Meg's) trouble with her difficulty fitting in at school.

I was mildly surprised at how overt the Christian religious references were. I have nothing against this, being a big C.S. Lewis fan (even Lewis was more subtle, however), but I certainly do not recall the Narnia books being pushed on us in public school. I guess the political explanation for this is that, while the book carries enough religious quotations and obvious name-dropping to please certain Christian parents, the author has so little to say, in applying these principles to the real world, that there is nothing for secularists to get upset about. Meanwhile, the story clearly portrays science and scientists as Good (Meg's parents are both genius physicists), so that, as bad as L'Engle's science is, shallow secularists are as pleased as shallow Christians.

In the end, the only real moral message is one of tolerance and diversity. Cosmic Evil is identified with the desire to force all children to be the same, to try to force them all into a single mold. Oh yeah, and various people get saved by the power of Love. Nothing to get upset about, but nothing to get excited about either.


Anonymous said...

i hate it

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this book is the worst pile of crawp ever

Anonymous said...

this is garbage. i could pull better thing out of my bum

Anonymous said...

the worst book. i hope she never rites another

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think this book is to crawp

Anonymous said...

i want to use this book as toilet paper

Anonymous said...

Frozen Floors. you rule

Anonymous said...

A readers point of view
1 This book is crap

Anonymous said...

anyone want to start a riot to burn every coppy of this book if you can call it that. signed bullwinkle96

Anonymous said...

This is the best book ever!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ya right, that book was terrific, your just some stupid winey weirdo that can't understand good writing when they see it. yes she does explain tesseract well, and you obiosouly didn't pay any attention to the whole ant explanation they gave in the book. there are many good morales in that book, but obiously your too stupid and blind to understand that. i feel sorry for you for missing out on such a great reading opportunity. if you didn't like then your stupid, but get over it. don't bore people with your issues. A Wrinkle In Time is an awesome book, your stupid and pathetic, get over it. CASE CLOSED FREAK

Anonymous said...

ya right, that book was terrific, your just some stupid winey weirdo that can't understand good writing when they see it. yes she does explain tesseract well, and you obiosouly didn't pay any attention to the whole ant explanation they gave in the book. there are many good morales in that book, but obiously your too stupid and blind to understand that. i feel sorry for you for missing out on such a great reading opportunity. if you didn't like then your stupid, but get over it. don't bore people with your issues. A Wrinkle In Time is an awesome book, your stupid and pathetic, get over it. CASE CLOSED FREAK

Anonymous said...

i wish you people could take this outside (sigh)

Anonymous said...

get a life DAMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i wish you people would and could take this outside (sigh)

Anonymous said...

i hate this book

Anonymous said...

lets go burn all the copies of this book then blow them up then have a party and get drunk

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm encouraged that most of the people bashing the book are too slow to actually be able to spell. I'd just like to inform you that it really adds weight to your arguments against the book. Bravo.

Anonymous said...

OMG THIS WAS THE WORST BOOK OF ALL TIME newberry award are you frikkin kidding me?! the villans were a cloud, a disenbodied brain, and a dood with an eye problem!!! i couldnt even finish it. i had to write a report based on a sparknotes summary


Anonymous said...

worst book in the world!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi i rule

Anonymous said...

hi i rule

Anonymous said...

Hello to all the stupid people over the a9e of thirteen (ALL OF Y'ALL I ASZUME) 9et a damn life its a uh wait...CHILDRENZ BOOK!?!?!?!?!? Who cares if you don't lik it, uh cuz its not FOR YOU TO LIKE, its for the kids I liked it shyte I could see how CHILDREN like the damn book ...probably because its A CHILDRENZ BOOK, its like I can't even stress that part enou9h.

Anonymous said...

hey im under 13 so get real

Anonymous said...

It's a good book! There really is such a thing as a tesseract! And the 3 W's aren't witches! Mrs. Which only dresses like one because she thinks it is amusing. Mrs. Which...... Mrs. Witch. You get the connection!

Anonymous said...

This book is total crap.
I have to read it for school and I hate it.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me???? THIS BOOK??? GOOD???
My advice: Get a life. I am in debate club, so if anybody wants 2 argue, go right ahead.

The Benner Family said...

a wrinkle in time is a very enjoyable sci fi read it is not a book to be taken literally but it shows the struggle of human conflict and the struggle of mankind against poeple who are in term the DARKNESS overal a wrinkle in time was book that made poeple think of possiblities but the end was weak

Dan said...

The majority of the comments I read contained misspelled words. A Wrinkle in Time is only 200 words, maybe you should continuously read it until you're literate. Yeah, it was dry, but it's obvious that most of you have little to compare it to. You suck.

Anonymous said...

I love It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous said...

I had to read this for a book report! it was soo freakin hard to understand and im pretty samrt for being 14 and all! i didnt understand how the little 5 year old could talk like tht i just thought tht was stupid! It is sooo freaking hard to do a report on it since i totally didn't like it! I could have done way better!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This book isn't that bad. I know it is dry and doesn't make sence, but I've read worse than this, plus it's a children's book. If you want something terrible, read The Grapes of Wrath.

Anonymous said...

Whoever serves his country well has no need of ancestors.

Anonymous said...

dont take it litereally, and stop saying crap, i bet you cant write better. all you people are just jealous that she is a better writter and makes more money than you.

Anonymous said...

This was the worst book I've ever read! the plot, characters, ever thing, is awful!

Anonymous said...

This one of the few things in elementary school I didn't mind failing a test on. I was typically a straight A student, but partway through the book I was like "screw this". WHY do public schools force this senseless written babbling on kids?

And yet many schools ban truly great novels like the Harry Potter series (which aged with its audience AND featured an exceptional plot and writing style) are banned because of stupid parents who think their views are more important than anyone else's, and refuse to NOT be ignorant for a change.

So, kids get forced to read garbage like this.

Anonymous said... - [url=]site1[/url] site

Anonymous said...

I feel about the wrinkle of time the same way I feel about the painting of a dot in a museum. Everyone is swooning over it and I'm like, "HELLO, it's just a dot!" A wrinkle in time was like a loop. The charterers said the same psychological drivel over and over again. Not worth reading and highly overrated.

I disagree with your comments on the giver. I feel like that book was fantastic. However, I grew up in a very sheltered environment, specifically around kids even more sheltered than I was so the book meant a lot to me. I felt like adults wanted to stop everything bad from happening to these kids. Because of this they missed out on so much more.